A mini-post concerning the adding of a item separator in a combobox with Sencha framework.
Here’s the code for the combobox:
... items: [ { xtype: 'combobox', emptyText:'...', allowBlank: false, autoSelect: true, store: storeCategoryWithAllItem, mode: 'local', typeAhead: true, triggerAction: 'all', displayField: 'value', valueField: 'key', fieldLabel: 'Category', forceSelection: true, anchor:'90%', selectOnFocus:true, editable: false, hiddenName: 'category', // post this name name: 'category', value: 'All', // default value tpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item">{value}</div><tpl if="xindex == 1"><hr /></tpl></tpl>' }, ...
And the code of the store is:
<!-- ############## Store with 'All' item ############## --> Ext.namespace('Ext.huo.categoryRangeWithAllItem'); Ext.huo.categoryRangeWithAllItem = [ ['All', 'All'], ['QE', 'Question'], ['RE', 'Answer'] ]; // simple array store var storeCategoryWithAllItem = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ fields: ['key', 'value'], data : Ext.huo.categoryRangeWithAllItem });
And normally you should obtain the following result:
Note: Depending the Sencha version used, if your browser or debugger reports the following error every time you click on the triangle:
Message: 'Ext.fly(...)' is null or not an object Line: 58945 Char: 9 Code: 0 URI: http://localhost:8080/myapplisencha/extjs/ext-all.js
this is because the style class used in the tpl is is wrong. So change the tpl to:
tpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item">{value}</div><tpl if="xindex == 1"><hr /></tpl></tpl>'
Best regards,