Hello again,
Here, I expose a simple solution to backup your developments in the remote directory \\YOUR_SERVER_or_EXTERNALDISK\backupWorkspaces\.
To do this:
– Create file “backup.dat” in your Eclipse workspace ie “R:\java\dev\eclipse_workspaces\default-3.3”:
echo off set fileDate=DEV_%date:~0,2%%date:~3,2%%date:~8,2%.zip move %1*.zip %1backup.old echo. echo Backup of sources on %1 echo. C:\PROGRA~1\7-Zip\7z.exe a -tzip -r -xr!.metadata %1%fileDate% @backup_listfile.txt IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( GOTO SUCCESS ) ELSE ( GOTO ERROR ) :SUCCESS del %1backup.old GOTO END :ERROR echo. echo Error: %ERRORLEVEL% echo. :END
– Create file “backup_listfile.txt” in your Eclipse workspace ie “R:\java\dev \eclipse_workspaces\default-3.3”:
– Create a Windows scheduled task (“Scheduled Task”) that runs the daily BATCH.
– This batch uses 7zip compressor to be installed in C:\Program Files\7-Zip.
– You could add more resources to backup in the “backup_listfile.txt” file.